The Association

Waikato River

The Te Kauwhata Water Association (Inc) – TKWA owns substantial water rights on the Waikato River. This is the biggest private water right downstream from the Fonterra plant at Te Rapa.

Water is becoming an increasingly scarce and expensive resource. TKWA has appealing and economic solutions! These can be tailored to meet your needs. Let’s plan your future together.

Did You Know?

TKWA is a "not for profit" charitable body.
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Consider These Material Benefits

  1. Currently, TKWA has surplus capacity. This is available now. There is no need to apply for water rights from Waikato Regional Council or seek resource consent for the water use. This has appeal for all potential users in the area between (say) Mercer and Huntly on either side of the Waikato River.

  2. The delivered water is of a high quality but it is not treated to a potable standard. It is suitable for an extensive range of opportunities in light industry as well as horticulture, floriculture and other agricultural and commercial uses. This water is ideal for lifestyle blocks.

  3. If reticulation cannot be provided or you have short-term needs we have various leasing options that can be tailored to meet your requirements.

  4. TKWA water charges are extremely competitive and stable. TKWA is not a local authority. It isn’t subject to protracted bureaucratic processes and political agendas. The renewable water right from Waikato Regional Council is secured until 2021.

  5. Quick, flexible negotiations will meet your needs. Should an extension to the existing network be required, this can be quickly negotiated and undertaken. Pre-agreed volumes are available on a 24/7 basis with no ancillary delivery rates, surcharges or restricted periods.

  6. Look at the proximity of the network to SHI – less than 1 hour to South Auckland and the airport. About the same to Hamilton. We will assist and support your project applications to the Waikato District Council. They are very supportive of new business ventures being established in the North Waikato.

  7. Want technical help? TKWA offers selected applicants investigation grants to assist with project costs.

Let's find a solution together!

Mail PO Box 15 Te Kauwhata. Free-Phone 0800 TKWATER Email